Open Class Craft Show Needs Some Help
The 2020 Sunfield Farmers Picnic is taking place on August 14th and 15th, in a scaled back version. The Open Class Craft Show sponsored by the SPYs will take place on Saturday, August 15th. Farmer’s Picnic Board Member DeAnna Clark needs one or two individuals to volunteer to help with the Open Class Craft Show. Duties will include helping from 8-10 a.m. with registration / placing entered items onto the display tables by categories; after the items have been judged - assist with recording the judge's awards both on the entry log and on the ribbons. Also need someone to keep an eye on the entries under the tent, which is closed during the grand parade, while DeAnna goes to take photographs of the parade entries. Then to share in the remainder of the day until 6 p.m. to keep traffic under the 'craft' tent going in one direction and keeping viewers limited to 3-4 individuals at any one time so that social distancing can be maintained. Entries are normally picked up between 5:15 - 6 p.m. with prize envelopes handed to the crafter. During the afternoon, it would be nice to allow each person (DeAnna and each volunteer) to take a couple of short breaks to enjoy the Picnic, get food/drinks and use the restroom. Please contact DeAnna at clark.dr@hotmail.com or call her at 517-231-2527 if you have any questions or to let her know if you can help. Thank you!
Adopt-A-Highway Thank-You
Project Chairman Derek Desgranges would like to send out a BIG Sunfield Area SPY salute to the following fine folks who helped out on last Saturday’s Adopt-A-Highway trash pick-up:
Craig Mulholland
Wayne Simmons
Steve & Christina Grosshans
Gracie Grosshans
John & Sandy Fisher
Isabella Ieremias
Olivia Fisher
Job well done trash pickers! The next Adopt-A-Highway trash pick-up will be held on Saturday, September 26th.
Recent Contribution
David Finnie & Patricia Carrell Finnie made a donation in memory of David Drury.
If there is any organization or business out there that has something they would like to advertise or promote, please feel free to submit it to this Newsletter and we will help publicize it. There is no charge. We are glad to provide this means as a public service to help keep the community informed.
As an example of where this Newsletter could have helped, is just this last week there was a Red Cross Blood Drive held at the United Brethren Church. A few people have commented that they would have like to have known about it so they could donate. But, they missed out.
Can we help you---your organization---your business? Simply email your item to john.sandrafisher@gmail .com.
Parting Comments
· Something To Ponder: If ignorance is bliss, there should be more happy people.
· Thoughts On Aging: How soon after waking up is it OK to take a nap?