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Annual Meeting of the Membership

2020 Highlights

Held the second Saturday in January at Centennial Acres Golf and Banquet Center, our annual meeting of the membership gives us the opportunity to recognize our Corporate Sponsors, Platinum Sponsors and members that continue to go above and beyond the call of duty with our organization.

2019 Year In Review:


The following is a compilation of what the Sunfield Area Sponsors of Programs for Youth (the SPY’s) organization has accomplished in  2019. We are proud to continue to be; along with our corporate and platinum sponsors and supporters; a viable part of the endeavor to make the Sunfield area a better place to live.


In February:

Pete Weller headed up his second and the organization’s 24th Annual Wild Game Dinner. There was again a tremendous turn out for one of our most popular events. This continues to be one of our largest fundraisers of the year and we are grateful to Pete for continuing on this tradition. Mark your calendar for February 1st at Willow Wood Golf Club for the 25th annual event that is sure to be even bigger and better than last year!


In March:

•   Casey & Beth Shettler headed up the 36th annual SPY's Euchre Tournament or "The Showdown on Main Street", as it has become known.  Art Meade was the overall Grand Champion this year. In the ladies division, Angela Coan was first, Jody Root was second, winning the tie breaker between her & Beth Shettler.  Last place for the ladies was Justina Hastings. For the men, Craig Mullholland came in first, followed by Larry Steward and Oren Best brought up the rear. Make sure to mark your calendars for this year’s event which will be held on March 14th


· We made a $500 donation to the Sunfield Fire Department Auxiliary for the 4th annual Color Run.


· We voted and approved to underwrite the Sunfield Library Summer Program for kids to the tune of $2,295.


In April:

· We approved Basketball reimbursement in the amount of $90


· We also approved cheer reimbursements in the amount of $25


· And 1 musical reimbursement in the amount of $35


In May:

· The Scholarship Fund continued to grow in 2019, through the generous contributions from many individuals; special projects; and especially through memorial gifts. Thus far, over, $250,000 has been awarded to 191 local graduating seniors. The Scholarship Fund continues to be administered by the SPY’s Community Foundation.  The 2019 winners were seniors Andrew Wellwood, Hawkins Amos, Collette Sharp, Megan Wakely, Ashtyn Livermore, Isabella Acker, Jordan Wells, Jenna Warner and Garrett McDiarmid. Andrew, Hawkins, Isabella, Jenna and Garrett also received  the Richard Lennon Scholarship. This is a prestigious award that the SPY’s give to those that provide an extra amount of time and service to their community. A total of $16,500 was awarded this year. Thank you to our chairperson Mandy Grosshans for her leadership of the Scholarship Review Committee again this year. For 2020, Mandy will be co-chairing with Betsy Gibbs in anticipation for Betsy to take over in 2021.


It is important to note that in the Lakewood area no other organization has given more money to help graduating seniors, or has been giving longer than the SPY’s – this is indeed something to be proud of.


A special thank you to Scholarship Review Committee members for this year: Betsy Gibbs, John Fisher, Jodi Root, Rosie Best, Craig & Jackie Mulholland and Renee Strimback.

Some exciting news for the scholarship program---in 2020 the SPY’s are excited to announce the addition of a Trade’s scholarship. This will be an additional scholarship that will be awarded to an eligible graduating seniors that wishes to enter a trade. Please check out our website and the Scholarship Application / Trades Scholarship application for more info.


In June:

· We approved 4 tennis reimbursements in the amount of $180, and 1 soccer reimbursement in the amount of $70.


•   Derek Desgranges & Steve Grosshans co-chaired the annual Centennial Acres / SPY Shootout golf tournament that helps raise funding for our youth programs. This year 36 teams competed. The winner of the Corporate Challenge Cup was Michigan Tax & Financial. There was also a fine group of volunteers that make this event possible. A big thank-you to John Fisher for all of his assistance on the event as well. Mark your calendars for June 14th, for this year’s tournament. 


· Approved a $200 donation to the Lake Odessa Picklebowl for their tournament.


· Approved a $100 donation to the Lakewood Education Foundation for a hole sponsorship for their golf outing.


In July:

· A donation was made to the Lakewood Tackling Hunger initiative in the amount of $1,000.


· We donated a total of $1,000 to help support the annual Farmer's Picnic fireworks show and to underwrite the kids & family games activities.


· A total of $7,820 was donated for Sunfield Summer Sports Programs. This was another successful year for the SSAA with over 80 kids playing ball in Sunfield.


In August:

· Approved a donation to the Sunfield Farmer’s Picnic in the amount of $1,000. New in 2019 – the SPY’s have taken over the sponsorship of the Open Class Craft Competition! 


· Craig Cappon served as the commissioner of the annual “SPY’s Charities Softball Tournament”, that is held during Farmer’s Picnic week. This marked the 47th year the tournament has been held. There were a total of 7 teams that participated. It was a long hard battle but in the end, Chuck’s Mafia was the overall Champion.


•   Rosie Best continued her role of running the SPY's annual Celebration Calendar project this year. The Calendar celebrated its 50th year of being a part of the community.


•   The Dime Pitch Booth that we run at the Farmer's Picnic each year is a major source of summer activities funding. This was Jody Root’s second year as chairperson and she did an amazing job! A special thank you to Oren & Rosie Best who donated the use of their tent, stored the booth, glassware and stuffed animals, set up & tore down the booth, washed glassware, replaced lights and updated the booth.


Thanks go out also to the following people who helped with set up, tear down and/or working at the farmer’s picnic: Steve Grosshans, Dewie Miller, Craig, Shana, Zeke, Gabe and Alana Cappon, Tyler & Emily Root, Buddy Collins, Gabby Rosenbuger, Scarlett Shettler, Cynthia Shettler, Rod Clark.

And thank you to the numerous people who donated glassware and stuffed animals!


In September:

•   We completed our twenty fifth year of participation in the Michigan Department of Transportation’s Adopt-A-Highway program.  Special thanks to our project chairperson Derek Desgranges.  We had three trash pick ups this summer, and a great group of volunteers that assisted at each. Thank you to everyone that donated their time. 


In November:

•   We again participated in the Lakewood Community Council's Christmas Basket program which helps nearly 200 families in the Lakewood area, including a number locally, with food and gifts. This year we contributed $500, as well as provided a crew in December to handle all of the deliveries in the Sunfield and Mulliken area.


· We covered the costs involved with local kids that participated in the Soccer Club program totaling $760


· We also covered $450 in youth football costs.


· We made a $250 donation to Lakewood Project Graduation.


· Costs for Lakewood youth cheer were approved in the amount of $110


· We sponsored a weight class for the Lakewood Wrestling Program for a total of $50.


· $126.96 in reimbursements for the Frozen Jr play participants were also reimbursed.


•   Again this year we had very dedicated people sign up to have their United Way and other payroll deduction program contributions designated to come to the SPY's in 2019. We appreciate everyone that takes the time to make their designations go to work here in our community.


· We also have had great success with the Amazon Smile program this year.  If you’re an amazon fan, you can begin your shopping at and select the Sunfield Area Sponsors of Programs for Youth as your preferred charity and .5% of your order total will be donated to the SPY’s!


•   2019 saw the successful continuation of our "Corporate Sponsor" program. This is a specially designed program that allows us to form a more effective partnership with community and youth concerned businesses and individuals that provide benefits for all.


This year's "Corporate Sponsor" participants were:

A & D Haskin

Ashton King Insurance Agency

Automated Process Equipment Corporation

Bader & Sons

Best Tax Service

Campbell & Son's

Centennial Acres Golf Course

Davis Construction, Inc

D & D Products

Deamco Corp

Haskin Farms

Hazel Brothers Drainage

HSV Redi-Mix

Hunter Prell Company

Mapes Furniture

Mark Woodman Plumbing & Heating

Marko's Sunoco

Mason Ornamental Iron

Michigan Custom Excavating

Michigan Tax & Financial

Musgrove Grain

Portland Federal Credit Union

Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 333

Precision Grade Excavating

Quality Hardwoods

Sabersmith, Inc

Schweitzer Construction

Station Deli

Union Bank


We are so grateful for the continued support of these businesses!


· Our “Platinum Sponsor” program is designed to be like the Corporate Sponsor program, but is set-up for private individuals that wish to contribute at least $500 annually to help our efforts. This year’s Platinum Sponsors were:


John & Sandra Fisher

Bill & Patti Weller

Ron & Marlene McDiarmid

Pete and Becky Weller

Kevin and Lisa Brummette


We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to all these fine community minded individuals.



The Sunfield Area Sponsors of Programs for Youth (S.P.Y.'s) continue to be an active, vital organization. Our primary purpose is community betterment through helping kids, but as you can see, our efforts go far beyond that.

To all of you S.P.Y.'s---to your helpmates---our Corporate Sponsors---our Platinum Sponsors---and to everyone that supported us in 2019, and in years past--- We thank you for your help, support, contributions of any kind, hard work, dedication, and acceptance. The community, and this area in general, are a better place because of all of us working together.


The annual meeting was called to order at 6:32 PM at Centennial Acres on Friday, January 10, 2020 with 48 members, corporate and platinum sponsors in attendance.


SPY’s President, Steve Grosshans, welcomed officers, corporate sponsors, platinum sponsors and special guests were introduced.


Craig Mulholland gave the invocation. Again this year, Centennial Acres provided a wonderful meal for our attendees.


The Annual Report & Treasurer's Report were both read and approved. 


The following event chairs were recognized for their continued dedication and willingness to volunteer:


Mandy Grosshans – Scholarship Committee

Pete Weller – Wild Game Dinner

Casey & Beth Shettler – Euchre Tournament

Wendel Peabody – Millionaire Party

Rosie Best – SPY Celebration Calendar

Jody Root – Dime Toss Booth

Craig Cappon - Softball Tournament

Derek Desgranges & Steve Grosshans - Golf Tournament

Derek Desgranges - Adopt-A-Highway


Officer elections were announced. A motion was made and approved  to cast a unanimous ballot to keep all officer positions the same in 2020. 


The following individuals were presented with awards for their outstanding commitment:

APEC – Corporate Sponsor of the Year presented by Craig Cappon for always going above and beyond and giving more than required.


Amanda Peabody – Rookie of the Year presented by Zeke Cappon for going above and beyond with volunteering in 2019.


Jerry Maurer – Perseverance Award presented by John Fisher for always persevering despite all odds. 


Paul & Marci Teachworth – Outstanding Achievement presented by John Fisher for all of their hard work with the SSAA.


Rob Piercefield - Outstanding Service presented by John Fisher for all of his works he does for our community and beyond.


Jody Root – Friend of Kids Award presented by Rosie Best for all of her work on the dime pitch booth.  


Amy Patrick was the big winner for the 50/50 drawing and donated it right back - thank you Amy! 


Myrtle the “Fertile” Turtle again made her appearance during the white elephant gift exchange. Renee Strimback reluctantly took Myrtle home this year. 





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