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Trash Pickups are scheduled three times a year - April, July & September


Volunteers meet at 9 AM at Best Tax Service in Sunfield and pick up trash from Round Lake Road to Shaytown Road


Project Chairperson: Derek Desgranges

Contact Information: 269.838.7686 or

In 2021, we had 23 volunteers pick up 26 bags of trash on M43

(Grand Ledge Highway). 


Our Adopt-A-Highway program requires just a small amount of your time (typically an hour) three times a year, and makes such a big impact! 


Not only do you get to spend time with our community & SPY members, but you get the added bonus of helping our environment and wildlife population by getting garbage off our roadsides. 


This is a great opportunity for our youth to get involved and earn some

committee service


(hint - this looks great on your SPY's Scholarship Application!)


If you aren't available on Saturdays, just give our chairperson a call and he will make sure to get you bags/vests and assign you a small stretch of our roadway so you can do your part when it's most convenient for you! 


Stayed tuned for our 2022
Adopt-A-Highway Pick up dates!

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