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SPY's Newsletter 9/15/24

Writer's picture: Christina GrosshansChristina Grosshans

SPY’s Community Newsletter


News Item #1


The J-Ad Graphics Reminder Newspaper that carried a “Lakewood News” section used to be available only at Marko’s here in Sunfield.  Then, all of a sudden, the papers disappeared there, or anywhere else in Sunfield.  It seems that the reason they became no longer available was that someone was taking everything that got delivered.  When the person was approached as to why he was taking all of the papers he simply replied, “I use them to start my wood-burner.”  So, no more papers.


Well now, here is some good news for you.  The “Lakewood News” is NOW AVAILABLE at the Sunfield Library and are available to be picked up during regular Library hours.  Check it out!

News Item #2

The final Adopt-A-Highway trash pick-up of the season will take place on Saturday, September 28th.  The SPY's pick-up trash along M-43 from Round Lake Road on the west side of town to Shaytown Road on the east side of town, three times a year in conjunction with the Michigan Department of Transportation program.  Anyone interested in lending a hand, just show up at 9 AM in the Best Tax Service parking lot just West of the Sunfield blinker light.  If you need more information, please call our project chairman Derek Desgranges at 269-838-7686.


Derek says if for any reason you can’t make it on the 28th. but would still like to help-out by doing some picking up on a different day, just give him a call and get some bags and he will give you a small section to take care of.

News Item #3 

The next Texas Hold ‘Em fundraiser the SPY’s are scheduled to work will take place Monday, September 23rd thru Thursday, September 26th.  Our new project chairperson, Craig Cappon, is looking for some volunteer shift workers to man the desk and sell chips to the players.  Here are the hours we need to fill:

Monday 9/23---6:15 PM til closing

Tuesday 9/24---6:15 PM til closing

Wednesday 9/25---10:45 AM til 6 PM

Thursday 9?26---10:45 AM til 6 PM


For more information, or to volunteer to help-out on this important SPY fundraiser, please give Craig a call at 517-331-4005.or 517-331-0219.

News Item #4

The SPY’s are looking for someone with a welder to do a little project for the SPY’s Wild Game Dinner / Sportsman’s Night event.  If you can help us out, or would like some more information as to what’s involved, please call our event chairman Pete Weller at 517-743-1642.  Thanks.

News Item #5

Centennial Acres Is Hiring

News Item #6

There is a major historic renovation project currently underway at the Watson Country School, which is located at 11023 Benton Road, at the intersection of Benton Road and St. Joe Highway.  On Thursday, September 26th they will be holding a Chicken Dinner Fundraiser to raise money for necessary roof repairs, special drain tax, accessible restrooms, kitchen upgrades, new ceiling, and overall general maintenance.  The Chicken Dinner will be catered by Swede’s Restaurant in Mulliken and will consist of baked chicken, potatoes, vegetable, drink, and dessert.  The cost is just $10 per meal and take outs are available.  They will be serving from 4 PM to 7 PM.  Come on out and support a great cause!



The Sunfield Area SPY’s send out our thanks to John & Sandra Fisher and the Cousin Club for their recent donations of glassware to the SPY’s Dime Pitch activity.

Something Else #1

Did you know that Michael Jackson was a techie as well as a performer? His patented anti-gravity shoes led to his signature moonwalk move, first performed in 1983. The drawing with the patent shows a person leaning beyond their center of gravity, though the shoes keep them upright, just as they did during Jackson’s performances.

Parting Comments

·      Deep Thought of the Week:  May your life be like toilet paper---long and useful.


·      Notable Quote: “The future of a civilization depends on our overcoming the meaninglessness and hopelessness which characterizes the thoughts of men (and politicians) today.” ~ Albert Schweitzer


·      That’s Puny Department:  I’ve been experimenting with breeding racing deer.  People have accused me of just trying to make a fast buck.


·      Did You Know Section: Much like fashion trends, culinary tastes have changed over time, and once-common dishes have given way to new ingredients, easier preparation methods, and more refined recipes. Desserts, in particular, have seen a rise in popularity over the centuries. Originally served alongside savory items on the dinner table, sweet dishes were moved to the final course of the meal in 17th-century Europe, and cookbooks dedicated to dessert recipes started appearing around the same time.


The affordability and availability of sugar during this era was largely responsible for this culinary shift, due to the work of enslaved people on colonial plantations in the Caribbean. As chocolate, coffee, and tea were introduced to Europe, demand for the sweet stuff increased as well. Sugar, which had previously been used sparingly as a preservative or to sweeten savory dishes, became the main ingredient in new recipes, leading to an endless array of possibilities for cakes, pies, and other sweet treats.  Here are seven old-fashioned desserts that were once commonly served, but are rarely seen today. While some of these foods may seem familiar as the recipes have been updated over the years to accommodate modern tastes, others are reminders of different times in history when people made do with what they had.


Mincemeat Pie

Dating back to Europe’s medieval era, mincemeat pie (or mince pie) was a finely chopped mixture of meat — traditionally mutton — along with dried fruit and spices. The spices and natural fruit sugars helped preserve the food as well as overpower the flavor of meat on the verge of spoiling. By the end of the Victorian era, the primary ingredients of mincemeat pies were fruit, spices, and beef suet, a hard animal fat. While they’re not very common in the U.S. today, mincemeat pies are still a popular Christmas dessert in the U.K., and vegetarian pies are readily available.


Tomato Soup Cake

The earliest recipe for tomato soup cake dates back to 1922, and some accounts say the dessert was popular among Irish immigrants in New England. The can of condensed tomato soup the recipe calls for yields a moist red-orange cake that doesn’t taste like tomatoes at all, thanks to the cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg in the mix. This unusual spice cake was popular through the 1930s and 1940s, when Depression-era and wartime shortages called for culinary creativity. People sought out affordable substitutes that could stand in for pricier ingredients (such as tomatoes) without sacrificing flavor. In the 1940s, the Campbell Soup Company began experimenting with variations on the tomato soup cake recipe and, in 1960, printed a version on its tomato soup label — the first recipe to appear on a soup can.


Shoofly Pie

Shoofly pie is a molasses-based pie with a crumbly, streusel-like topping. No one knows for sure how the pie got its name, but it might be from the fact that its sweet and sticky surface tends to attract flies, or from an early brand of molasses called Shoofly Molasses. According to some sources, the recipe for shoofly pie dates to 1876, originating with a crust-free molasses cake called centennial cake that was served to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia. Other sources attribute the recipe to the German immigrants of Pennsylvania Dutch country in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, who may have used molasses in a variation of an older British recipe known as a treacle tart. This sweet and crumbly pie is still popular among the Amish and Mennonite communities of Pennsylvania and Ohio.


Carrot Pudding

Before carrot cake, there was carrot pudding. A recipe in the 1591 English cookbook A Book of Cookrye describes carrot pudding as a savory pudding made of chopped liver, breadcrumbs, spices, dates, and sugar that is then stuffed inside a hollow carrot. By the 18th century, carrot pudding had evolved into a sweet dessert baked in a pastry shell, similar to pumpkin pie. Another variation called steamed carrot pudding was made with shredded carrots and potatoes and steamed in a gelatin mold.



Fruitcake dates back to the ancient Romans, who made a mash of barley, dried fruit, honey, and wine to sustain their soldiers in battle. During the early medieval era, it evolved into European yeast breads such as stollen and panettone, which were packed with candied citrus and alcohol-infused dried fruits. The cakelike version that became popular in the U.S. arrived with the British colonists. Preserving fruits for winter fruitcake involved cutting fruit into small pieces, boiling it in sugar syrup, tossing it in granulated sugar, and allowing it to dry. These candied fruits could then be baked in a spiced cake batter. There are dozens of variations on fruitcake, with some recipes calling for the cake to be baked weeks in advance and then brushed weekly with liquor or simple syrup. Though fruitcake is still around, it’s rarely made anymore and ranks as one of the least popular holiday desserts.


Also known as “jumbals” or “jumballs,” jumbles are a type of butter cookie that predates the modern sugar cookie. Historians believe the recipe originated in the Middle East and may have been introduced to Europe by Muslims in Spain and Portugal before it was brought to the New World by 16th-century explorers. Made from butter, sugar, eggs, and flour, jumbles were flavored with rosewater or spices, and then shaped into thick rounds or knots before being baked or boiled. Because they traveled well and could be stored for months, they remained popular for centuries, with dozens of recipe variations. Four jumble recipes, including “lemon jumbals” and “almond jumbals,” are included in Martha Washington’s family cookbook, Booke of Cookery.


Vinegar Pie

Though it was a popular Depression-era dessert, vinegar pie dates back to the 19th century. Mimicking the tartness of lemons, this sweet and tangy pie could be made all year long by substituting apple cider vinegar for citrus, which was expensive when out of season. As one of several so-called “desperation” or “make-do” pies, vinegar pie could be made from a handful of staples that home cooks usually had on hand. Other desperation pies included buttermilk pie, chess pie, and even water pie.



1.      If there is any organization or business out there that has something they would like to advertise or promote, please feel    free to submit it to this Newsletter and we will help publicize it.  There is no charge.  We are glad to provide this means as a public service to help keep the community informed.


2.      If you are looking for further information about the SPY’s   events---Corporate or Platinum Sponsorship information---scholarship forms---youth sports reimbursement forms---past SPY newsletters---etc.---just go to the SPY website at


3.      NOTE:  If you know of anyone who would like to receive these SPY’s Community Newsletters, just send me an email at with their email address and we will add them to the mailing list.

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