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Writer's pictureChristina Grosshans

SPY's Newsletter 5/31/20

Attention Golfers!

As we have reported in the past SPY Newsletter, we had to cancel the annual Centennial Acres / SPY Shoot-Out Golf Tournament.  This event might yet be rescheduled, but at this time it is undecided.

However, John Nagel and Centennial Acres have stepped-up and have offered to put on a special benefit event to financially help the SPY’s community and youth efforts.  What is in the planning stages at this time is one of Centennial’s fabulous, fun-filled “Big Hole” 4-person scramble events.  The projected date is Sunday, June 21st (Father’s Day).  Further details will be forthcoming.

Keep watching the Centennial Acres web site at for further information and to sign-up.  When you get to the home page look for the “Golf Outings” tab.  Under that, you will see “Public Outings To Enter”.  Click on that and look for the June 21st outing. 

As of this moment the outing information hasn’t been posted yet.  So, just keep checking. 

Please note, this BIG Hole event is NOT replacing the SPY Shoot-Out tournament. 

Welcome To Sunfield!

We would like to extend a warm welcome to a new family that has recently moved to our community from the Chicago area.  We extend a special Sunfield greeting to Lance & Christy Eldridge and their children Hunter and Elizabeth.  The Eldridges recently purchased the

home of Gary & Sue Elliott on Sahytown Road.

For Sale

Nate & Neena Kolvalchik have a very nice travel trailer for sale.  Here are the details:

· 2015 Coachmen Liberty Express 320BHDS

· 3 Slideouts

· Sleeps 11

· Island style kitchen

· Fireplace

· Outdoor kitchen

· 1 Owner

· Indoor storage off season 

· Asking $21,500.00

· May be seen on M-43 between Shaytown and Dow Roads

· 517-214-0579

Recent Contributions

John and Sandra Fisher made a contribution to the Scholarship Fund in memory of Jetta Blake (Vikki Spitzley’s mother).

School Suspended---Kids Home---

Here’s An Idea

Here’s an item that was first put out in the March 18, 2020 SPY Newsletter #77.  We felt with area youth probably climbing the walls and driving their folks nuts during this prolonged stay-at-home edict it bears reposting.  (Hopefully there will still be a Farmer’s Picnic this year).

Last year the Sunfield Area Sponsors of Programs for Youth (SPY’s) took over the complete underwriting of the Farmer’s Picnic Craft Show.  In so doing, one of the things we were trying to promote was getting more kids to enter their arts and crafts projects. 

So, here’s a thought---with school suspended and the kids are home getting cabin fever, (adults too for that matter), why not take on a project or two and enter them in this summer’s Farmer’s Picnic Craft Show.  Cash prizes and ribbons are awarded in a multitude of categories. If you have any questions feel free to contact DeAnna Clark at 517-231-2527.


Also, don’t forget to round up any glassware or new or “gently used” stuffed animals that we can use in the Dime Pitch Booth at the Farmer’s Picnic in August.  If you have anything to donate please contact our new project chairperson, Wayne Simmons at 616-550-2876.

Parting Comments

· Something To Ponder: “Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks.  Their children, brought up easy, let it slip away again---poor fools.  And, their grandchildren are once more slaves.”---D.H. Lawrence

· Thoughts On Aging: I don’t always go the extra mile, but when I do it’s because I missed my exit.

· If you are looking for further information about the SPY’s---events---Corporate or Platinum Sponsorship information---scholarship forms---youth sports reimbursement forms---past

SPY newsletters---etc.---just go to the SPY website at

· NOTE:  If you know of anyone who would like to receive these SPY’s Newsletters, just send me an email at with their email address, and I will add them to the distribution.  It’s as easy as that!

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