SPY’s Newsletter #150
Important Correction!!!
In yesterday’s SPY’s Newsletter, (#149---Monday, 8/2/21), there was a major error discovered. The following announcement appeared in that Newsletter, but it contained the wrong date for the presentations. The correct date information appears below.
2021 Scholarship & Community Awards Announcement
The SPY’s Community Foundation Class of 2021 scholarship award presentation will take place at the Farmer’s Picnic on Friday, August 20th, starting at 6:15 PM, under the big tent at Floyd Van Buren Park.
In addition, the SPY’s and the Community Foundation will also be making some additional award presentations to some deserving folks in the community for their contributions and tireless efforts. Please plan on attending and help us recognize some outstanding community-building individuals!
Dime Pitch Booth Looking For Helpers
The Dime Pitch Booth is a fund-raiser the SPY’s run during the Sunfield Farmer’s Picnic. This year’s Picnic will be held Friday and Saturday, August 20th & 21st.
We are looking for people willing to help out with various easy tasks to help make this event successful. By volunteering you will be helping us help kids and the community! Below are the kinds of chores we need help with:
· Tent Setup, Thursday, August 19th
(Early Afternoon)
· Game Set-Up, Friday, August 20th
(8 AM)
· Help In The Operation Of The Game,
Friday, August 20th.
(3 PM til Closing)
· Help In The Operation Of The Game, Saturday, August 21st.
(9 AM til Closing)
· Game Teardown, Sunday, August 22nd.
(8 AM)
Last year we had to shut down early on Saturday because we didn’t have any help. So, we really need you! By the way, you do not need to be an adult to volunteer.
For more information, or to volunteer to help out in any way, please contact the Dime Pitch Booth chairman Wayne Simmons at 616-550-2876.
Sign-Up Today For The Fire Department
Auxiliary Golf Scramble
(Flyer with information attached)
Parting Comments
• Deep Thought of the Week: Failures are part of life--- if you don’t fail, you don’t learn---If you don’t learn, you’ll never change. Always be positive!
• Notable Quote: “If you think you are leading and you turn around to see no one following you, then you’re just taking a walk.”---Benjamin Hocks
• That’s Puny Department: It was an emotional wedding. Even the cake was in tiers.
• Did You Know Section? Carl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler were two early rival automobile pioneers working in Germany during the 1890’s. Daimler patented the gasoline internal combustion engine in 1883. He was more concerned with engine design than and concentrated most of his efforts on car designs. In 1889, Daimler developed the first four-wheeled car. They had all been three-wheeled prior to this.
Auto racing became a very popular sport among the rich at the end of the nineteenth century, and this prompted the continued development in the industry. A valued Daimler customer, Emil Jellinek, consul general in Nice for the Austro-Hungatian Empire, convinced Daimler to design a new racing car for him in 1900. Daimler named the new car “Mercedes” in honor of Jellinek’s daughter, Mercedes. The car was a big success and the name Mercedes stayed with the company ever since.
In 1926, when the rival Daimler and Benz companies joined forces, the new company was called Mercedes-Benz. Although Carl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler worked only 60 miles from each other, they never met.