SPY’s Newsletter #123
Important News From The SSAA
The Sunfield Summer Athletic Association, (the SSAA), is still accepting online sign ups for the summer ball program. Our neighboring community left off a very important line from this years sign up forms that went home in the school Friday Folders that stated: "If you live within the old Sunfield Elementary school boundaries, your child plays for FREE".
If you received one of these the sign up forms and were deterred by the prices listed, please sign up - there is NO CHARGE for Sunfield kids.
If you're confused about the boundary lines used to determine free Sunfield area eligibility, or have any other questions, please email the SSAA at sunfield.ssaa@gmail.com
Also, the SSAA is in need of parents to step up and help out. The majority of our board members will be leaving after this year as their children are aging out of the program. We would love to have some parents with younger children work alongside us this year so we can transition duties to the next generation. Please email us if you're interested in getting involved.
Mark Your Calendars With These Important Dates
· Saturday, March 27th, the “Yellow Hearts for Veterans” program will be holding a benefit spaghetti dinner at the Sunfield Community Rooms from 4 PM to 8 PM. Take-out will be available. Contact Sara Knight at 269-876-6489 for further information.
· On Saturday, May 15th. There will be a “Spring Fest of Fun” held on Main Street in Sunfield. For further information please contact Geniese Davis at 517-930-7153.
· “Captain Highway” a.k.a. Derek Desgranges, fearless leader of the SPY’s Adopt-A-Highway project, recently announced the dates for this year’s trash pick-ups. The SPY's pick-up trash along M-43 from Round Lake Road on the west side of town to Shaytown Road on the east side of town, three times a year in conjunction with the Michigan Department of Transportation program. This year’s SPY’s Adopt-A-Highway pick-up dates are:
· Saturday, April 17th.
· Saturday, July 17th.
· Saturday, September 25th.
· On Sunday, June 13th, will be the annual Centennial Acres / SPY Shoot-Out golf tournament. Our event chairmen Derek Desgranges and Steve Grosshans will be in need of some helpers. Stay tuned for further details.
· This year’s Farmer’s Picnic will be held on August 20th & 21st.
· Also, please be advised that the Sunfield Fire Department Auxiliary’s “Color Run” that is usually held in the Spring each year has been moved. It will now be held in the late summer. Stay tuned for further details.
• Donations in memory of Honnie Huyck came in from the
following folks:
Cary & Janice Martin
Scott & Sharon Dow
Mark Huyck
The Sunfield High School Class of 1952
Ken & Deb Fisher
Becky Calabro
Mike & Pam Ballard
• Mark Huyck also made a contribution in memory and Dick
• We received donations in memory of Betty Spitzley from
Alex & Sarah Jones’ employer.
• The SPY’s also received a couple of reimbursements
from the Amazon Smile program that was generated from
people that designated the SPY’s while shopping through
the Amazon Smile program.
Centennial Acres Is Looking For Help
For The 2021 Season
Centennial Acres is a very busy 27-hole golf course and banquet center. Even through these times of uncertainty, we are looking to expand our workforce and would love to consider you. This is a great opportunity to join our team and see where it heads from here! We are an at-will seasonal employer that has a heavy work force between April 1st and October 1st. If you are looking for seasonal, part time or full time employment please apply today.
Here are the types of work involved:
• Grounds Crew
• Greens Mower
• Fairways & Rough Mower
• Beverage Cart Staff
• BBQ Cook
• Daily Menu Cook
• Irrigation Repair Specialist
For further information call John Nagel at (517) 566-8055.
Parting Comments
• Deep Thought of the Week: No matter how educated, talented, rich, or cool you believe you are---How you treat people tells all.
• Notable Quote: “Whenever I try to eat healthy a chocolate bar looks at me and Snickers.”
• That’s Puny Department: An East Indian fellow has moved in next door. He has traveled the world, has swum with sharks, has wrestled bears, and climbed the highest mountain. It came as no surprise to learn his name was Bindair Dundat!
• Did You Know Section? Ever hear about The Great Molasses Flood? Back in 1919, just after noon, a massive storage tank failed and flooded the streets of Boston with over 2 million gallons of molasses. The 15-ft tall wave tore houses from their foundation, snapped support girders and electrical poles, and killed 21 people.
• If you are looking for further information about the SPY’s---
events---Corporate or Platinum Sponsorship information--- scholarship forms---youth sports reimbursement forms---past
SPY newsletters---etc.---just go to the SPY website at
• NOTE: If you know of anyone who would like to receive these SPY’s Newsletters, just send me an email at
john.sandrafisher@gmail.com with their email address, and I will add them to the distribution. It’s as easy as that!