Highlights From Our Last Meeting
· Meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM at the Sunfield District Library.
· CORRESPONDENCE---A thank you card was received from the family of Beatrice Boyer
· GUEST COMMENTS---Kay Jones, new to the community, would like to get more involved in the area.
· SECRETARY’S REPORT and TREASURER’S REPORT---Both were received and approved unanimously.
· OLD BUSINESS---Angela Coan talked about the Bloomz App. Bloomz is more like a social media platform. SignupGenius.com may be a better option for signing up for time slots for SPY event helpers. John Fisher could send out a link with the event through the SPY Newsletters. (More on this later).
1. Miscellaneous tales of mischief regarding John Fisher in his youth were told by Wayne Simmons, (who instigated much of the mayhem).
2. Christina Grosshans announced that she will be resigning from the SPY’s Secretary position at the end of 2020. (Someone has already volunteered to step in to replace Christina).
3. Our Wild Game Dinner / Sportsman’s Night Chairman Pete Weller gave his event report. It was a very successful night. There were a lot of new faces, and many women that attended this year. Quite a number of tables are already reserved for next year. (Pete is looking into a larger venue for this increasingly popular event).
4. Pete would like to review and simplify the SPY’s informational packet. Perhaps reduce it in size to a tri-fold brochure that he can use when soliciting donations for the Wild Game Dinner.
5. A motion made by Pete Weller to move $15,000 to the Sunfield Community Foundation for Scholarships and the Youth Activity Trust Fund. Second by: Craig Cappon. Motion approved unanimously.
6. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.
The next meeting of the Sunfield Area SPY’s will take place on Tuesday, March 10th, starting at 7 PM. The meeting will be held in the Sunfield Library meeting room. Guest are always welcome!
Recent Contributions
· Mark Woodman Plumbing & Heating made a contribution in memory of Millie Peabody.
· We received a donation from Rebecca Calabro.
Dar Benjamin Memorial Chili Cook-Off Coming Up
The Sunfield Historical Society will be holding the “Dar Benjamin Memorial Chili Cook-Off” on Saturday, March 7th, from 3:30 PM to 7 PM. It will be held at the Welch Historical Museum in downtown Sunfield.
Bring your best pot of chili and let the public decide the winner. There will be prizes for the top three chili cookers.
The public is invited to stop in a try the chili and help in the judging process. The will be a $5 donation at the door.
For further information, contact Geniese Davis at 517-930-7153.
SPY’s Euchre Night On The Horizon
The SPY’s 37th. annual Euchre Night (AKA “The Showdown on Main Street”) takes place on Saturday, March 14th, at the Community Rooms in downtown Sunfield.
The doors open at 6 PM---cards fly at 7 PM---the cost is $5 per person---please bring a munchie of sorts to share---much fun and exceptional glory is possible. If interested in attending, please contact either, Casey or Beth Shettler (517-231-2192) and let them know for planning purposes.
Parting Comments
· We are indeed gratified by the response of people that have signed up to receive these Newsletters. The current distribution is around 150.
· One of our dedicated readers sent along a little tid-bit that I thought I would share involving Mandy “What’s A Gas Gage” Grosshans. It seems that Mandy has developed a quirky little habit of late. So far this month she has ran out of gas twice. For some strange reason both times have been in front of the Best Tax Service building. Perhaps she thinks that Rosie and Shana will help her push her car on down to Marko’s Sunoco.
· Something To Ponder: Life is short---live it. Love is rare---grab it. Anger is bad---dump it. Fear is awful---face it. Memories are sweet---cherish it.