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  • Writer's pictureChristina Grosshans

SPY's Newsletter 2/20/24

SPY’s Community Newsletter


SPY Officer Line-Up For 2024


Here is the 2024 leadership team for the Sunfield Area Sponsors of Programs for Youth (the SPY’s) that were elected at last Saturday’s SPY’s Annual Meeting:


President                     Craig Cappon

Vice President              Justin “Sam” Coan

Secretary                     Renee Strimback

Treasurer                     Shana Cappon

Promotions Director     Pete Weller

Membership Director    John Fisher

Sgt.-At-Arms                Zeke Cappon

Director-At-Large          Jeff Gibbs


Wild Game Dinner / Sportsman’s Night Report #3


The SPY’s Wild Game Dinner / Sportsman’s Night A-1, top-notch, World-Renowned Chairman Pete Weller would like to send out a BIG THANK YOU to the many fine helpers that volunteered to pitch-in and make this year’s event very successful!  Pete---The SPY’s ---the Community---and the especially the kids, really appreciate all of the hard work and support you all gave this year.  A very sincere and heartfelt thank you goes out to:


Jim & Angie Frizzell

Caleb & Kaccy Klotz

Hayden Klotz

Lisa Hewitt

Teresa Weller

Elijah Weller

Steve & Sheri Klotz

Buddy Collins

Paul Campbell

Dave Nurenburg

Bob Nurenburg

Stacy Nurenburg and the “Nurenburg Table”

Craig Mulholland

Big Bubba J’s Smokehouse

Steve & Christina Grosshans

Matt & Mandy Grosshans

Jeff & Betsy Gibbs

Trent Sabin

Morgan Sabin

John & Sandy Fisher

John Nagel

Vickiy Derosia

Cheyenne Hill

Haile Johnson

Meg Talacki

Jan Chizan

Katie Freed

Alex Thelen

Nicole Thelen

Phil Thelen

Jan Thelen

The rest of the “Thelen Table”

There are some others who stayed after the event was over to help change the Clubhouse over to Centennial’s Sunday Brunch.  But, we didn’t get all of their names.


Calling All Kegglers


On Saturday March 23rd. the SPY's will once again host a 9-pin no tap Bowling Tournament / fund-raiser to benefit the SPY's various youth and community programs.  This event is open to everyone!  It will be held at the Buddy’s On The Beach Bowling Alley in Lake Odessa.


Time---High Noon

at 11:30 AM


This event will be limited to the first 50 bowlers signed up.  Cost of the Bowling Tournament will be $25 per bowler.  (The same as last year).  Ball and shoes are available. Please arrive early to find a ball to use if necessary.


         To sign-up, the event chairman Jeff Gibbs needs your name on his list.  He can be reached via any of the following ways:


or via text at (517) 930-6989,

or via voice message at (517) 566-3355.

News Briefs

·      The SPY’s are in need of someone to take over the Chairmanship of the Texas Hold ‘Em events we work four time a year at The Event Spot.  Our current chairman, Jeff Gibbs, is unable to continue in this capacity due to his work-related travel schedule making it difficult to handle the necessary coordination.  For further information on what’s involved, give Jeff a call at 517-930-6989, or John Fisher at 517-648-0969.  We have another event coming up towards the end of March.


·      Congratulations (?) to Gabe Bowen who, due to a special drawing at the SPY’s annual meeting, became the temporary owner of the legendary “Myrtle The Fertile Turtle”.  Be watching for follow-ups on this.


·      Work is underway for this year's SPY’s annual Euchre Tournament.  Details will be coming soon!


·      Friday, March 15th.  is the deadline for submitting applications for any of the SPY’s Community Foundation’s scholarship opportunities.  Questions?  Call John Fisher at 517-648-0969.

Grand Marshal Nominations


The 2024 Sunfield Farmers Picnic Committee is gearing up for another fantastic Picnic for you, the third full weekend of August, 16-18, 2024. The first matter of business this year is to seek nominations for the honor of Grand Marshal and then make the tough decision of choosing just one.


We are requesting your assistance by asking you to place your nominations with the Board for anyone you feel should be given the title of Grand Marshal.  Grand Marshal nominations must be in writing and clearly identify the nominee and why this individual/couple or group should be considered. Include the following information:  What are their ties to the Sunfield Community, their impact on the community, their outstanding qualities?  How long have they been in the area?  How have they given to the community (volunteerism)?   The Board will make this decision on May 1st, so please get your nominations in by Thursday, April 18, 2024.


Looking forward to discovering who you would like to honor, so get your nominations mailed to Sunfield Farmers Picnic, P.O. Box 12, Sunfield, Michigan 48890; emailed to or find us on Facebook at Sunfield Farmers Picnic Inc.  Please note that previous year’s nominees will be included in this year’s list of candidates.


The Sunfield Farmers Picnic Committee would love to have more input planning this year’s and future year’s festivals.  Whether you are a resident of the Village of Sunfield, the Township of Sunfield or a surrounding area, We Welcome You!  Changes continue to happen, events/activities come and go, but it is the Committee’s goal to keep the Sunfield Farmers Picnic FUN and a great place to come and hang out with family and friends!  Please consider volunteering a couple of hours at this year’s festival.  Remember that many hands make light work!


The Board would also really appreciate having a member of each business, church and organization in Sunfield to be present at the monthly meetings as we make decisions that may affect their business. Your input is important to us!



·      Craig Cappon won the 50/50 drawing at the SPY’s Annual Meeting and donated his winnings back.


·      John & Sandra made a donation in memory of Michelle Whitman.


·      Jane Hedeen also made a donation in memory of Michelle Whitman.


·      Oren & Rosie Best made contributions in memory of the following:

Elaine Merryfield

Chuck Darling

Karen Darling

Lindy Hynes

Gary Apsey

Joyce Martin

Lynn VanBuren

Evelyn Carpenter

Gary Roth

Loann DeLand

Linda Garrison


Parting Comments

·      Deep Thought of the Week:  When the power of love overtakes the love of power, then there will be peace in the world.”


·      Notable Quote: Where’s the capital of the U.S.A.?-----Spread all over the world!”


·      That’s Puny Department:  A man cheats on his girlfriend Lorraine with a woman named Clearly.  Lorraine dies suddenly.  At the funeral, the man stands up and sings, “I can see Clearly now, Lorraine is gone.” 


·      Did you Know Section: Recent excavations of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii reveal that some aspects of society haven’t changed much during the last 2,000 years, including our eating habits. The Romans also had what were essentially fast-food restaurants. Known as thermopolia (or singularly as a thermopolium), these establishments sold a variety of ready-to-eat hot food. They were essential to daily life in ancient Rome, because not all citizens had kitchens. In the region around Pompeii, only around 40% of low-income households and 66% of middle-class households had a kitchen at home. Those who didn’t typically lived in insulae (apartment buildings) and relied on thermopolia for many of their meals.

Thermopolia were low-cost food joints, offering a selection of meats (such as chicken, pork, duck, goat, and snails), cheeses, fish, bread, and legumes, washed down with calida (a type of mulled wine) — there were no burgers or fries here. The food was held in dolia (large terracotta pots) on buffet-style counters. The more upscale restaurants had frescoes adorning the walls, depicting food that was eaten there (such as ducks or chickens) or deities (such as Mercury, the god of commerce, and Bacchus, the god of wine). Thermopolia weren’t without controversy, however. Roman Emperor Claudius once tried to have them shut down because of their poor reputation. Criminals, thieves, and other dishonorable members of society often gathered and drank wine at thermopolia, earning the establishments a bad rap.


1.      If there is any organization or business out there that has something they would like to advertise or promote, please feel free to submit it to this Newsletter and we will help publicize it.  There is no charge.  We are glad to provide this means as a public service to help keep the community informed.

2.      If you are looking for further information about the SPY’s events---Corporate or Platinum Sponsorship information---scholarship forms---youth sports reimbursement forms---past SPY newsletters---etc.---just go to the SPY website at

3.      NOTE:  If you know of anyone who would like to receive these SPY’s Newsletters, just send me an email at with their email address and we will add them to the distribution list.

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