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Writer's pictureChristina Grosshans

SPY's Newsletter 12/25/21

SPY’s Community Newsletter #172


SPY's Annual Meeting On The Horizon

The Sunfield Area Sponsors of Programs for Youth (SPY's) will be holding their "Annual Meeting of the Membership" on Saturday, January 15, 2022. It will be take place at the Centennial Acres Golf Course clubhouse on Dow Road, two miles east of Sunfield.

The purpose of the Annual Meeting is to bring the membership and guests up to date on all of our activities in the community; recognize some people for their hard work and efforts on behalf of kids and the community; give the membership a full financial report, so you can see what our combined efforts have produced; hold the election of officers and conduct the transition of leadership; as well as provide an opportunity to get to know other SPY members and guests better, especially our newest members.

By now, all members, Corporate and Platinum Sponsors of record should have received a letter with all of the details. For further information call any of the following: Steve Grosshans (269-838-6459); Renee Strimback (269-967-5787); or Shana Cappon (517-331-0219).

We sure hope all SPY members; Corporate and Platinum Sponsors will make every effort to attend. We look forward to seeing you there!

* Reminder #1: Please RSVP as soon as possible by calling 269-967-5787, or by emailing We need to know how many people to plan for.

Do it now!

* Reminder #2: Hey all you SPY officers out there---don’t forget to bring a wrapped “white elephant’ gift to the annual meeting.

Sunfield SPY's Community Foundation Trades

Scholarship Information

2022, will mark the third year since the SPY’s Community Foundation announced the creation of a new scholarship / award program for graduating Seniors. This new program focuses on students interested in entering a trade. The regrettable thing Is, to date we have had absolutely no one apply! Hopefully , this year that will change.

You can get all the information you need about this program, as well as downloading an application, by going to the SPY’s website at and clicking on the Scholarships tab. For now, what follows is the basic criteria:

Applicant must be a resident of the Sunfield Area (i.e.: lives within the boundaries of the old Sunfield Elementary School Attendance Area).

Applicant must apply in writing on the form provided by March 15th of the year of graduation.

Applications are available on-line at

Applicant must provide a high school transcript.

Home-school applicants are also eligible, but must submit SAT or ACT scores.

This is a one-time award.

If a scholarship winner, you must be able to show proof of college registration to receive money.

If applicant is entering an apprentice program, a cash “Tool Allowance” award will be made upon presentation of documentation of at least six-months employment in an apprentice program.

The decision of the Scholarship Selection Committee is final and is not subject to appeal.

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact John Fisher at 517-648-0969 or email at


· Kristin Heinze made a donation in memory of Keith Heide.

· Mark & Mary Hanna renewed their Platinum Sponsorship for 2022.

· John & Sandra Fisher also renewed their Platinum Sponsorship for 2022.

Contribution Information

Lately we have had some inquiries regarding how someone can make a contribution to the SPY’s, especially memorial contributions to the Scholarship or Youth Activities Trust Funds. Here are some ways to accomplish that:

· Mail your contribution to:

Sunfield SPY’s

2543 Eaton Highway

Sunfield, MI 48890

· Stop by the Mulliken branch of Union Bank. Even though the lobby is sometimes closed, go through the drive-thru and tell the teller you want to make a contribution to the SPY’s. They have a special form that they will fill out to capture all of the information and pass it along to us.


· Go to the SPY’s website at At the top of the page click on the “Make A Donation” tab. You will be able to make a donation this way using your Pay Pal account.

Dime Pitch Donations Sought

Please keep in mind that we are always in need of donations of stuffed animals of any type and size, as well as small to medium sized glassware for our Dime Pitch Booth fundraiser that we hold during the Farmer’s Picnic. Stuffed animals can be new or slightly used but clean.

Any donation can be made by either calling our Booth chairman Wayne Simmons at 616-550-2876, or by dropping off donations at the Best Tax Service building located on M-43 in Sunfield.

Parting Comments

• Deep Thought of the Week: Don’t follow your dreams---chase them!

• Notable Quote: “Given the chance, wouldn’t you jump at the chance to make someone’s day just by simply showing up.”

---Mark Hamill (Gibbs of NCIS)

• That’s Puny Department: Livi: What’s the deal with your uncle? He’s running around shouting, “Deep hole full of water!” Bella: He’s odd, but he means well.

  • Did You Know Section: Kenneth Taylor, a newly minted second lieutenant in the U.S. Army Air Corps’, received his first posting to Wheeler Army Airfield in Honolulu, Hawaii in April 1941. December 6, 1941, was a Saturday. Taylor, a 21-year-old from Oklahoma, and the 23-year-old George Welch, of Wilmington, Delaware, spent the evening at a dance held at the officers’ club at Wheeler Field. After the dance, the two pilots joined an all-night poker game. Welch and Taylor were alarmed to hear low-flying planes, explosions and machine-gun fire. After learning that two-thirds of the planes at the main bases of Hickham and Wheeler Fields had been destroyed or damaged so badly that they were unable to fly, they leaped into action. Without orders, Taylor called Haleiwa and commanded the ground crew to prepare their Curtiss P-40 Tomahawks for takeoff. Meanwhile, Still wearing their tuxedo pants from the night before, the two pilots drove the 11 miles to Haleiwa, reaching speeds of 100 mph along the way.

At the airstrip, Welch and Taylor jumped into their P-40s, which by that time had been fueled but not fully armed. They attracted Japanese fire immediately after taking off, facing off virtually alone against some 200 to 300 enemy aircraft. When they ran out of ammunition, they returned to Wheeler to reload. As senior officers ordered the pilots to stay on the ground, the second wave of Japanese raiders flew in, scattering the crowd. Taylor and Welch took off again, in the midst of a swarm of enemy planes.

Though Welch’s machine guns were disconnected, he fired his 30-caliber guns, destroying two Japanese planes on the first sortie. On the second, with his plane heavily damaged by gunfire, he shot down two more enemy aircraft. A bullet pierced the canopy of Taylor’s plane, hitting his arm and sending shrapnel into his leg, but he managed to shoot down at least two Japanese planes, and perhaps more.

George Welch and Kenneth Taylor were recommended for the Medal of Honor for their actions at Pearl Harbor. These were denied because they acted without orders!


1. If there is any organization or business out there that has something they would like to advertise or promote, please feel free to submit it to this Newsletter and we will help publicize it. There is no charge. We are glad to provide this means as a public service to help keep the community informed.

2. If you are looking for further information about the SPY’s events---Corporate or Platinum Sponsorship information---

scholarship forms---youth sports reimbursement forms---past SPY newsletters---etc.---just go to the SPY website at

3. NOTE: If you know of anyone who would like to receive these SPY’s Newsletters, just send me an email at with their email address and we will add them to the distribution list.

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