Be watching for the next SPY Newsletter, as well as a mailing that
is going out to all current members of the SPY’s. It is the announcement of the details concerning the elimination of membership dues beginning January 1, 2020.
· We had a pretty slim turnout of helpers last Saturday, December 7th. for the Sunfield, Mulliken, and Woodbury area distribution of the Lakewood Community Council’s Christmas Baskets! By comparison, last year we had 15 volunteers pitch-in to help with the distributions. Many thanks to the helpers that did show up and went an extra mile to see that the job got done. A sincere salute of appreciation goes out to:
Judy Thorp-Coon
Lucas Ryan (Judy’s grandson)
Mark Hanna
John Fisher
Darrin Bosworth
We are grateful for your willingness to serve the community in this way!
· Don’t forget the Annual Meeting of the SPY’s Membership is coming up on Friday, January 10th. at the Centennial Acres clubhouse. You all should have received a letter by now with all of the details. Don’t forget to RSVP to Christina Grosshans to let her know whether or not you will be attending. Christina’s phone number is 616-893-7942, and her email address is grosshans.christina
· With the Sunfield Sentinel ceasing publication in late December of this year it creates a critical situation for how to best communicate with members of the SPY’s as well as the Community in general. One way we hope to close that communication gap is through the expansion of the distribution of the Newsletters.
So, if you know of anyone who would like to be added to the “SPY’s Newsletter” distribution list just send an email to and you will be added.