SPY’s Community Newsletter
Important News From Sunfield Township
The Sunfield Township Treasurer, Stacie McNees, is looking for a Deputy Treasurer, or someone that would like to completely take over the position as Treasurer. Her full-time job with Eaton County has become too much for her to handle, on top of the township duties. The County is short staffed at her full-time job and working overtime. The stress has been too much and is affecting her health. This person would need to have some experience, or be able to take some classes, as Satcie won't have much time to do any training. A candidate would have to live in the Sunfield Township area. The Treasurer position involves anywhere from 12 to 20 hours a week, depending on the season. Winter season is closer to 20 hours a week. The Township would like it if they could be at the office on Main Street for a few hours a week on any day that works best for them.
For further information you can contact Stacie at 517-566-8888, or at sunfieldtownshiptreasurer@gmail.com.
In Other Township News
Stacie also reports that she was able to get a Community Energy Grant for the Welch Museum and the Sunfield Library! They will be upgrading the heating system in both buildings and other repairs covered in the grant. Currently they are waiting for the building audit to tell them the best way to use the funds on the buildings. That is indeed great news!
News From Mapes Furniture
On Saturday, December 7th. Mapes Furniture will be holding their Christmas Open House from 9 AM to 5 PM. There will be several direct selling companies that they have invited to share the day with them-----like Tupperware; Pampered Chef; Norwex; and more. There will be a number of vendor specials and door prizes. Be sure to stop in and check things out!
Also On Saturday, December 7th
The Sunfield Food Bank will also be having a bake sale at the Welch Museum on Dec 7th. during and after the Christmas Parade.
Freebie Department
Is there anyone out there that could use a nice seven-foot artificial Christmas tree? It is FREE to the first person to contact John Fisher at 517-648-0969.
Isabella Ieremias and John Fisher made a donation to the SPY’s Dime Pitch Booth activity.
Parting Comments
· Deep Thought of the Week: I have days when my life is just a tent away from a circus.
· Notable Quote: "A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.”---Francis Bacon
· That’s Puny Department: Did you hear about the termite who walked into a bar and asked, "Where is the bar tender?"
· Did You Know Section: Back in December 2016, Michigan State University found themselves in a unique situation when freezing temperatures compromised 500 containers of dining hall mayonnaise, each of which held 2.5 gallons. The solution? They turned it into energy. After “students in the cafeteria complained,” and the local food bank turned it down, the mayonnaise needed a new home. So, Carla Iansiti, a school Sustainability Officer, dreamed one up---they fed it to the university’s anaerobic digester, which is used to power some farms on the south side of campus. In the anaerobic digester, microorganisms eat biodegradable waste and produce biogas, which can then be combusted into heat and electricity. Iansiti figured the tiny critters, which thrive on sugar and fats, would love mayonnaise. After a few hours during which 12 volunteers poured gallon after gallon of smelly white stuff into a giant dumpster, all of the mayo was taken care of. “It was a perfect situation to turn what could have been a catastrophe into something positive,”
1. If there is any organization or business out there that has something they would like to advertise or promote, please feel free to submit it to this Newsletter and we will help publicize it. There is no charge. We are glad to provide this means as a public service to help keep the community informed.
2. If you are looking for further information about the SPY’s events---Corporate or Platinum Sponsorship information---scholarship forms---youth sports reimbursement forms---past SPY newsletters---etc.---just go to the SPY website at www.sunfieldareaspys.com.
3. NOTE: If you know of anyone who would like to receive these SPY’s Newsletters, just send me an email at john.sandrafisher@gmail.com with their email address and we will add them to the distribution list.