SPY’s Community Newsletter
Thanksgiving Greetings
On Thanksgiving and always, may you and your loved ones savor all that is rich in life. May the festivities come alive with a cornucopia of hope, faith and goodwill. Here’s wishing that your Thanksgiving is full of love, warmth, and extra special moments.
News From The Library
The State recognition of a small community library is a once in a lifetime thing. With almost 400 libraries in Michigan, to receive a Library of Michigan award, is a huge accomplishment. (see picture below). The Sunfield Library received the State Librarian’s “Citation of Excellence” award, on October 18, at the Michigan Library Associations awards dinner in Kalamazoo.
The award represents exceptional customer service and merits a trophy and $1,000 cash reward. Sunfield’s library Director, Lisa Bell and her family attended the ceremony within the Lakewood area. Anyone wishing to donate toys for the community can drop them off during library hours from now until December 1st.
So many connections have been made this year! Every donation to the library helps bring new ideas and services. It is because of the support of the people, that the library won this prestigious award. It is truly a blessing to live in an area where people still see and believe in the value of libraries!
and accepted the award. (see picture below). The extra support that the community and individuals gave, helped the library offer services that previously were unable to be offered. Home delivery with a book bike, and paying staff working on newspaper digitization and preservation, were among the added benefits. Several community groups such as the Fire Department, Historical Society, The Sunfield Community Foundation, the S.P.Y.’s, Friends of the Library, and Mapes Furniture, all made possible one of the best Summer Reading programs. This helped bring recognition to all of these valuable groups and their much-needed purposes.
The newest service that the library is proud to be bringing to the community was made possible by donations in honor and memory of Kate Mapes. Kate was known for her love of toys, fun, and the Sunfield community. Therefore, it only seemed fitting to have a collection box for “Toys for Tots”. A beautiful cedar chest was obtained from Mapes Furniture to create “Kate’s Toy Box”. (see picture below). All items donated will be given to the Lakewood Community baskets. This means that everything will be distributed.

Scholarship Opportunity Do you know a future ag leader? Applications for a $1,500 scholarship are now open through January 11, 2024. Bayer Fund is excited to once again partner with the National FFA to offer ag students the opportunity to receive a $1,500 Grow Ag Leaders scholarship. High School seniors through college juniors pursuing any ag-related field of study at a trade school, community college, or four-year college or university can apply now through January 11, 2024. Here are the program details: · Visit www.fund.bayer.us for more information and official rules. · Apply online at FFA.org/scholarships. · Applications accepted through January 11, 2024. · Receive endorsements from two farmers by January 18, 2024. · More than 350 scholarships are to be awarded. · Winners will be announced in May, 2024. We encourage anyone who knows a student pursuing a higher education in agriculture to share this scholarship opportunity with them today! Contributions · Marv & Kathy Hengesbach made a donation in memory of Lynn VanBuren. · John & Sandra Fisher made contributions in memory of Nancy Strong; Iris Roper; and Amy Rumfield. · Lewis & Emma Trowbridge gave in memory of Eunice Black. News From The Sunfield Food Pantry & Clothing Bank Did you know that the Sunfield community has a food pantry and clothing bank? It is free to everyone who needs help. The food pantry is open the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month as well as the clothing bank. The clothing bank is also open every Monday from 4 PM to 6 PM during Monday night dinners at Sunfield Methodist Church located at 227 Logan St. The food pantry hours are 12 PM to 1 PM and 5 PM to 7 PM. The next food pantry date is November 28th. In December the dates are the 12th and the 19th due to Christmas. We welcome all! We are also looking for volunteers and any donations. For further information---to donate---or to volunteer---send a text to 517-449-0232 News From The SPY’s · Nominations please! At the SPY’s Annual Meeting of the Membership that will be coming up in January, the election of officers for 2024 will be held. Any SPY member that is interested in serving as an officer in the organization, or would like to nominate someone you think might be interested, please contact either Jeff Gibbs at 517-930-6989, or Renee Strimback at 269-967-5787. Thank you. · The SPY’s Treasurer Shana Cappon was doing some “fall cleaning” recently and came across a tote in her basement that contained some “stuff” that the SPY’s used to use back in the day when we did Vegas Night fund raisers. She came across 12 dealer “shoes” and a felt table topper. If anyone out there would like them just give Shana a call at 517-331-0219 and arrange to pick them up. · Looking for a way to get more positively involved in the Community? Looking for a way to help kids and the various SPY’s youth programs? Here is an opportunity for you. The SPY’s are looking for someone to take over the Chairmanship of our Texas Hold ‘Em activity. It involves a just bit of paperwork and event scheduling. Our current chairman’s job requires him to do a lot of traveling out of state, so it has become difficult for him to continue in this capacity. So, what do you say, we could use your help---get involved---volunteer---help us help kids and the community. For further details---specifics on what is involved---etc. contact Jeff Gibbs at 517-930-6989. Community Christmas Basket Distribution Is Coming Up The Lakewood Community Council has once again requested help with the annual Christmas Basket Project for the Lakewood School District. Drivers that are familiar with the Sunfield area are needed on Saturday, December 16th, at 9 AM. It will take just a couple hours of your time, at the most. Please mark that date and time on your calendar and make plans to help spread some holiday cheer. The Christmas Basket project helps nearly 200 families in the Lakewood area. Volunteers are needed to deliver the baskets to the designated families in the Sunfield area. Anyone that would like to help out, just show up on Saturday, December 16th. at the Central Methodist Church in downtown Lake Odessa. For Further information, please contact John Fisher at 517-648-0969. Thank you! Parting Comments · Deep Thought of the Week: We live in a time where intelligent people are silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended. · Notable Quote: “Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.”-----Lisa Bell, Sunfield’s award winning librarian. · That’s Puny Department: There’s a fine line between a numerator and a denominator. Only a fraction of people will find this funny. · Did You Know Section: Spoons were such a rare novelty in Elizabethan England that wealthy aristocrats would bring their own folding spoons to fancy banquet. Notices 1. If there is any organization or business out there that has something they would like to advertise or promote, please feel free to submit it to this Newsletter and we will help publicize it. There is no charge. We are glad to provide this means as a public service to help keep the community informed. 2. If you are looking for further information about the SPY’s events---Corporate or Platinum Sponsorship information---scholarship forms---youth sports reimbursement forms---past SPY newsletters---etc.---just go to the SPY website at www.sunfieldareaspys.com. 3. NOTE: If you know of anyone who would like to receive these SPY’s Newsletters, just send me an email at john.sandrafisher@gmail.com with their email address and we will add them to the distribution list.