SPY’s Announce Their 2019 Rookie-Of-The-Year

At the SPY’s “Annual Meeting of the Membership” held recently, the 2019 “Rookie-Of-The-Year award winner was announced. The SPY’s “Rookie-Of-The-Year” award is bestowed on the member(s) of the organization that has been the most active in their first full year as a SPY.
By tradition, the last person or persons named as the SPY's Rookie-Of-The-Year has the honor of bestowing the award the following year. Therefore, pictured above is the SPY’s last ROTY, Zeke Cappon, presenting the 2019 ROTY Award to Mandy Peabody.
“Last Call” Special Notice
Did you know that Sunfield has a veterans honor board? It is located in front of the GAR Hall, (the white building with the canons in front), in downtown Sunfield. It is maintained by the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War (the DUV).
The Daughters are updating the board and are requesting anyone who wants a name added of a veteran from the Sunfield area to let them know. The cost for the special plate is $45.
Anyone interested, please contact Rosie Best at 517-331-0836---or by mail at PO Box 152, Sunfield, MI 48890.
Please include what branch of the service---and years of service.
SPY’s Recognize Jerry Maurer

Pictured is Jerry Maurer, owner of Sun Print Publishing in Sunfield, and former editor / Publisher of The Sunfield Sentinel newspaper.
PERSEVERANCE---Is defined by Webster as “steady persistence in a course of action---a purpose. To persist in spite of counter-influences, opposition, or discouragement.”
We would like to tell you about someone working in our community who has persevered for many years---until---as Popeye was fond of saying---“That’s all I can stands. I can stands no more!”
Back on July 5th, 1990, three men, whose then employer was closing up shop---formed a partnership---came to Sunfield---and bought the Sunfield Sentinel. Just a couple of months later one of the partners had a heart attack and left the business. Nineteen years ago, another partner had to leave the business. This left Jerry Maurer to forge on alone---He persevered.
He found himself in a print media business that for the last 15 years has gone from a steady erosion to an accelerating avalanche of decline.
For example, nationwide between 2000 and 2018, print newspaper advertising revenue fell 73%. The New York Times alone lost $74 million in one quarter, and 40% of its advertising revenue went to Craigslist.
In Michigan so far here are the defunct newspaper casualties for the past two years:
The Bay City Journal
Bronson Journal
Copper Island News
Copper Island Sentinel
The Dearborn Independent
Detroit Sunday Journal
Detroiter Abend-Post
Detroit Times
The Flint Flashes
The Grand Traverse Herald
The Herald Press in St. Joseph
The Hillsdale Standard
Hillsdale Whig Standard
Iosco County Gazette Index
Iron Ore Press in Ishpeming
Mason County Record
Metro Community Newspapers
The Michigan Tradesman
Saginaw Daily Journal
St Joseph Herald
St Joseph Traveler
The Weekly Press
And, these papers are presently transitioning---
Ann Arbor News
Capital Times
Detroit News/Free Press
Flint Journal
Bay City Times
Saginaw News
Jerry Maurer and our beloved Sunfield Sentinel fought hard to hang on, but in the end couldn’t avoid the inevitable as society and our culture changed.
Just to recap---
Jerry loses two of his partners---He perseveres.
For almost 30 years, Jerry commutes about 100 miles a day round trip from Mason to his shop in Sunfield---He perseveres.
As Sunfield businesses close---the community changes---and advertising revenues drop---He perseveres.
As the US Postal Service enacts numerous burdensome changes to their procedures regarding newspapers---He perseveres.
As the Post Office raises their rates 19 times---He perseveres.
As the Sentinel’s circulation plummets 85%---He perseveres---until December 19, 2019.
The Sentinel may be gone, but Jerry’s commercial printing part of his business will remain open here in Sunfield.---So yet, he perseveres.
The Sunfield Are Sponsors of Programs for Youth are proud to present their “Perseverance Award” to a very deserving individual---Mr. Jerry Maurer.