Adopt-A-Highway Dates Set
“Captain Highway” a.k.a. Derek Desgranges, fearless leader of the SPY’s Adopt-A-Highway project, recently announced the dates for this year’s trash pick-ups. The SPY's pick-up trash along M-43 from Round Lake Road on the west side of town to Shaytown Road on the east side of town, three times a year in conjunction with the Michigan Department of Transportation program.
This year’s SPY’s Adopt-A-Highway pick-up dates are:
Saturday, April 25th.
Saturday, July 25th.
Saturday, September 26th.
On the Saturday pick-up days we meet at the Best Tax Service building on M-43 at 9 AM.
Starting this year, if for any reason you can’t make it on a particular pick-up Saturday, but would still like to help out by doing some picking up on a different day, just give Derek a call and get some bags and he will give you a small section to take care of.
So, put these dates on your calendar and come out and help keep the area roadside spiffed up! Any and all willing volunteers are encouraged to participate.
Sunfield Community Easter Egg Hunt
The Sunfield Historical Society will be hosting the Sunfield Community Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 4th. It will be held at the Floyd Van Buren Park in Sunfield from 1 to 3 PM.
There will be three age groups at different locations so the little ones get a chance to find eggs too. The age groups are 1 to 4---5 to 8---and 9 to 12.
Prizes will be awarded to all three groups, plus there will be special eggs with surprises inside. There will be hot dogs and drinks after the egg hunt.
For further information please call (517) 930-7153 or (517) 566-8741.
Recent Contributions
Joyce Klotz made a contribution in memory of Gene and Brad Klotz on their birthdays.
· Next Friday, March 13th. the Woodland Eagles will be having another one of their Fish Fries. It will be held at the Eagles Aerie located at 125 Main Street in downtown Woodland and will run from 5 to 8 PM.
Dinner is $8 for adults, and $4 for kids 8 and under. Come for the food and fellowship, you won’t be disappointed. Take out is available.
The important thing about this Fish Fry is that the proceeds generated will go to the benefit of the Sunfield Fire Department. So, mark your calendars and make plans to attend and support our local Fire Department!
· Next Saturday, March 14th.The SPY’s 37th. annual Euchre Night (AKA “The Showdown on Main Street”) takes place at the Community Rooms in downtown Sunfield.
The doors open at 6 PM---cards fly at 7 PM---the cost is $5 per person---please bring a munchie of sorts to share---much fun and exceptional glory is possible. If interested in attending, please contact either, Casey or Beth Shettler (517-231-2192) and let them know for planning purposes.
Parting Comments
· Something To Ponder: Everything will kill you, so choose something fun.
· If you are looking for further information about the SPY’s---events---Corporate or Platinum Sponsorship information---scholarship forms---youth sports reimbursement forms---past SPY newsletters---etc.---just go to the SPY website at
· NOTE: If you know of anyone who would like to receive these SPY’s Newsletters, just send John an email at with their email address, and he will add them to the distribution. It’s as easy as that and the newsletter will be delivered right to their inbox!