SPY’s Newsletter #25
Important Notice
A month ago we sent out a notice concerning the first Texas Hold ‘Em event that we were scheduled to work in 2019. It was going to be held March 17th through the 19th at their new location.
Please be advised, that event has been CANCELED due to the fact that the new Hold ‘Em venue’s renovations have not yet been completed.
We have been re-scheduled to work our first Hold ‘Em event of 2019 the dates of Sunday, June 30th through Tuesday, July 2nd. Please make a note of this change---set aside those days on your calendars, and plan on working a shift. Wadaya say?!?
Here are the dates for the other scheduled Texas Hold ‘Em’s we will be working in 2019:
July 28th thru 30th.
September 18th. thru 21st.
October 11th. & 12th.
· “Captain Highway” a.k.a. Derek Desgranges, fearless leader of the SPY’s Adopt-A-Highway project, recently announced the dates for this year’s trash pick-ups. The SPY's pick-up trash along M-43 from Round Lake Road on the west side of town to Shaytown Road on the east side of town, three times a year in conjunction with the Michigan Department of Transportation program.
This year’s SPY’s Adopt-A-Highway pick-up dates are:
Saturday, April 13th.
Saturday, July 13th.
Saturday, September 21st.
Starting this year, if for any reason you can’t make it on a particular pick-up Saturday, but would still like to help out by doing some picking up on a different day, just give Derek a call and get some bags and he will give you a small section to take care of.
· By unanimous action of the membership at the SPY’s March meeting, it was decided to TOTALLY underwrite the costs of the Sunfield Library’s kid’s 2019 summer reading program! This will amount to a $2,000 expenditure.
· Don’t forget, on Friday, April 12th., the Woodland Eagles will be having another one of their Fish Fries. It will run from 5 to 8 PM. The important thing about this one is that the proceeds generated will go to the benefit of the Sunfield Fire Department. So, mark your calendars and make plans to attend the Woodland Eagles Fish Fry and support our local Fire Department!
NOTE: If you know of anyone who would like to receive these SPY’s Newsletters, just send me their email and I will add them to the distribution. It’s as easy as that!