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Writer's pictureChristina Grosshans

SPY Newsletter 11/11/20

SPY’s Newsletter #108


Critical Deadline Nears To Help Decorate The Village

The Fire Department and Auxiliary would like to continue the tradition of decorating Main Street for us all to enjoy.

Last year, thanks to an amazing response from all of us, they were able to purchase garland for the poles on Main Street and hang personalized paper laminated ornaments.

This year they would like to decorate with wooden personalized ornaments to memorialize, honor or thank those you hold dear during the holiday season. The cost is just $10 per ornament.

Their goal is to have the personalized ornaments up Thanksgiving weekend, so they need you to act quickly!

The deadline for ordering is: Wednesday, November 18, 2020!

Got any questions, or need any further information? Call Christina Grosshans at 616-893-7942 or Julie Hopkins at 517-285-1224.


Looking For Some Volunteers

The Lakewood Community Council has once again requested help with the annual Christmas Basket Project for the Lakewood School District. Drivers that are familiar with the Sunfield area are needed on Saturday, December 12th, at 9 AM. It will take just a couple hours of your time, at the most. Please mark that date and time on your calendar and make plans to help spread some holiday cheer.

In an effort to keep volunteers healthy and also protect the recipients,

there will be some modifications to the process this year because of

COVID-19. They will make note of which homes each volunteer will

be going to. They are asking volunteers to set the packages down on

the doorstep or a similar spot without entering the homes. They anticipate that masks will be required in the church building during pick-up, and are asking the volunteer to wear one while going to the door of a home.

The Christmas Basket project helps nearly 200 families in the Lakewood area. Volunteers are needed to deliver the baskets to the designated families in the Sunfield area. Anyone that would like to help out, just show up on Saturday, December 12th. at the Central Methodist Church in downtown Lake Odessa. For further information, please contact John Fisher at 517-648-0969. Thank you!

Some Highlights From

Last Night’s SPY Meeting

· Due to the COVID pandemic; current government restrictions on gatherings; uncertainty of finding a venue; etc., the membership voted to postpone the SPY’s Annual Meeting of the Membership that is usually held in January each year. The Annual Meeting will be rescheduled just as soon as things ease up.

· Voted to donate $600 to the Lakewood Community Council’s annual Christmas Basket program that helps area needy families.

· Heard a report that the final cost to the Sunfield Library’s Summer Reading Program that the SPY’s underwrote again this year was $954.15.

Parting Comments

· Reflections: I asked my Doctor today how long he thinks this COVID thing will last. He responded with: “How should I know? I’m a doctor, not a politician.”

· Notable Quote: “When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing---When you see money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors---When you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you---When corruptions is being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice---You may know that your society is doomed.”---Ayn Rand (from Atlas Shrugged, 1957)

· If you are looking for further information about the SPY’s---events---Corporate or Platinum Sponsorship information---scholarship forms---youth sports reimbursement forms---past SPY newsletters---etc.---just go to the SPY website at

· NOTE: If you know of anyone who would like to receive these SPY’s Newsletters, just send me an email at with their email address, and I will add them to the distribution. It’s as easy as that!

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