News From The SPY’s
Jerry Maurer, the Editor / Publisher of the Sunfield Sentinel, recently announced that the paper will be publishing its last issue at Christmas time this year.
Even before that formal announcement, the Sunfield Area Sponsors of Programs for Youth (SPY’s) have been discussing ways to effectively continue to stay in touch and communicate with the public in general about things like contribution thank-you’s---scholarship information---upcoming events---recognition awards / presentations---promotions---photos---etc., etc., etc.
We have a website, but it presently doesn’t get a lot of traffic. Hopefully that will improve. We put stuff on Facebook, but a number of people we would need to reach don’t do Facebook, plus Facebook couldn’t accommodate some of the things we have communicated through the paper in the past like the Scholarship and Youth Activities Trust Fund Annual Report.
So, we thought about trying a quarterly Newsletter that would be both mailed or sent via e-mail to anyone who would want to receive it. The problem with this is going about gathering addresses, both regular and e-mail, in order to send a Newsletter out. Therefore, we are starting a drive to gather names and addresses, (either regular or e-mail) of people who would like to start receiving a SPY’s quarterly Newsletter.
If you, or anyone you know, would like to be on our mailing list please either send your information to SPY’s, 6625 West Grand Ledge Highway, Sunfield, MI 48890 or send an email to