SPY’s Newsletter #83
Sunfield Community Foundation News
Thirty-five years ago the Sunfield Area Sponsors of Programs for Youth (the SPY’s) started a Scholarship Fund. They made the first awards in 1987 to graduating seniors. Since that time, the fund has grown through individual donations and memorial contributions by many fine folks. As the fund continued to increase, the SPY leadership began exploring ways and means to make sure that higher education financial support could continue to be offered to area youth even if the SPY organization should, at some point in time, cease to exist. That, of course, is nowhere on the horizon, but fifty years down the road, who knows.
So, back in April of 2003, the SPY.’s began the long arduous trail of endless paperwork with Federal and State agencies, a struggle that took almost two years to complete. That effort eventually brought about the formation of the “Sunfield Community Foundation.”
Once the framework of the Foundation was set, the SPY’s transferred all of the monies previously held in their Scholarship Fund to the Sunfield Community Foundation. The Foundation’s function is to serve as caretakers of the fund and to determine the amount of money that can be used from the fund each year for scholarship awards. These awards are based on the amount of interest and dividends the fund’s portfolio has generated the previous year. After this year’s awards are presented, a total of $265,000 will have been awarded from the fund.
The SPY organization continues to oversee the annual scholarship application and selection process.
In the beginning, in addition to the SPY’s, long-standing viable community entities were approached to see if they would like to name a representative to be part of the Foundation’s Board of Directors. Those entities were the Sunfield Village Council, the Sunfield Township Board, the Sunfield United Methodist Church, and the Sunfield United Brethren Church. They all embraced the concept and agreed to provide a representative.
Once the Foundation Board was officially formed in 2003, Bill Weller was elected as the Foundation Treasurer, and has served faithfully in that capacity for the past 17 years. A couple of years ago Bill made know his desire to “retire” from the Foundation, and a search for a capable, qualified replacement was undertaken. We are pleased to report that at the Foundation’s 2020 annual meeting, a successful transition was undertaken. The new Foundation Treasurer will be Shana Cappon.
Bill has certainly provided invaluable leadership during his tenure. His service and dedication have been outstanding! He has been an extremely valuable asset to the Foundation and the Community. We thank Bill for his service!
The current members of the Sunfield Community Foundation’s Board of Directors are the following:
John Fisher, President (representing the SPY’s)
Lavon Hamp, Vice President (representing the United Brethren Church)
Shana Cappon, Treasurer (representing the SPY’s)
Walker Collins, Jr, Secretary (representing the SPY’s)
Robert Sandborn, Director (representing the United Methodist Church)
Robert Overholt, Director (representing the Sunfield Township Board)
Thomas Wacha, Director (representing the Sunfield Village Council)
Texas Hold ‘Em Update
We had originally been scheduled to work our next Texas Hold ‘Em fundraiser next week, June 24th thru the 27th. However, due to the Coronavirus, that event has been canceled. This makes the third SPY major fundraiser that we have lost due to the shutdown.
Our Hold ‘Em chairperson, Wendel Peabody, informed us that he has been able to get a tentative re-schedule date of Wednesday, July 15th thru Saturday, July 18th. Please mark those days on your calendar, as we will be in need of some shift workers. Hopefully, we won’t get canceled again. Stay tuned---more information to follow.
Don’t forget to round up any glassware or new or “gently used” stuffed animals that we can use in the Dime Pitch Booth at the Farmer’s Picnic in August. If you have anything to donate please contact our new project chairperson, Wayne Simmons at 616-550-2876.
Parting Comments
· Something To Ponder: Never iron a four leaf clover. You don’t want to press your luck.
· Thoughts On Aging: I don’t understand why people have to “get ready” for bed. I’m always ready for bed.