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  • Writer's pictureChristina Grosshans

SPY's Newsletter 8/26/21

SPY’s Community Newsletter #155


Mapes Furniture Is The SPY’s Corporate Sponsor of the Year

Pictured right is SPY’s Vice President Sam Coan presenting the SPY’s Corporate Sponsor-Of-The-Year award to Rebecca Calabro of the Mapes Furniture Company.

Our community is indeed fortunate to have as its retail anchor an institution such as the Mapes Furniture Company. They have been a major part of Sunfield and this whole area for 130 years. Their slogan is “The BIG store in the little town”. But, we would suggest to you that the “BIG” in their slogan doesn’t pertain to the square footage of their store, but to the heart that the Mapes Furniture Company has.

Mapes has always been so very generous to many groups, organizations, and causes.. Not just the SPY’s. They have been a member of the SPY’s Corporate Sponsor program for 25 years. But their value goes far beyond Mapes Furniture’s charitable giving and support. They are by far the prime community booster in many ways. They have long been a major force in community promotion and betterment.

You simply can’t say enough positive things about the Mapes Furniture Company and its people. So, it is indeed our honor to recognize our friend and partner the Mapes Furniture Company and their leader, Rebecca Calabro, as the SPY’s 2020 Corporate Sponsor of the Year.

Community Foundation Recognizes Tara Weller

Due to the Lakewood High School choosing to cancel the Seniors Awards Night again this year. The SPY’s Community Foundation had to come up with an alternate way to make their annual scholarship and award presentations. So, at a special program last Friday during the Farmer’s Picnic, they were finally given out.

Pictured above is Tara Weller, who is the daughter of Darin & Casandra Weller. She received a $5,000 scholarship, and will be attending Grand Valley State University where she will study nursing.

This marks the 35th year that the scholarships have been awarded to a total of 194 graduating seniors.

Also, at the awards ceremony it was announced that Tara was this year’s recipient of the Richard Lenon Community Service Award.

This award is given to the graduating Senior that has demonstrated the greatest degree of community service. That is the only criteria for the award. Along with the engraved plaque, Tara received a check for $500.

Farmer’s Picnic Prince & Princess

Pictured (L to R) are the participants in this year’s Farmer’s Picnic Prince & Princess contest-----Kolton Ketchum, 2021 Prince Landyn Hilts, 2021 Princess Tatum Petrie, 2019 Princess Gabbriella Teachworth, Kaelinn Kelly, and Milli Ann Pickens.


· We received a donation from Marlene McDiarmid.

Parting Comments

• Deep Thought of the Week: Sometimes you win---sometimes you learn.

• Notable Quote: “If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.”-----Oprah Winfrey

• That’s Puny Department: Shopping centers---You’ve seen one, you’ve seen the mall

• Did You Know Section? The world record for the most passengers on an aircraft was set during Israel’s evacuation of Jews from Ethiopia in 1991, when a single 747 carried at least 1,088 people, including two babies who were born on the flight.


1. If there is any organization or business out there that has something they would like to advertise or promote, please feel free to submit it to this Newsletter and we will help publicize it. There is no charge. We are glad to provide this means as a public service to help keep the community informed.

2. If you are looking for further information about the SPY’s events---Corporate or Platinum Sponsorship information---scholarship forms---youth sports reimbursement forms---past SPY newsletters---etc.---just go to the SPY website at

3. NOTE: If you know of anyone who would like to receive these SPY’s Newsletters, just send me an email at with their email address and we will add them to the distribution list.

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