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SPY's Newsletter 8/1/22

Writer's picture: Christina GrosshansChristina Grosshans

SPY’s Community Newsletter #207


Looking For Some Volunteers

The Sunfield Area Sponsors of Programs for Youth (the SPY’s) have some major fund-raising activities that are looking for some people willing to lend a hand, and in so doing help us help kids and the community. Here are the current opportunities:

Dime Pitch Booth

The Dime Pitch Booth is something the SPY’s operate during the Farmer’s Picnic August 19th & 20th. The chairman of this activity is Zeke Cappon (517-331-3360).

· We need tent set-up help on Wednesday, August 17th.

· Then we need game set-up help on Thursday.

· Then we need helpers to run the game during the Farmer’s Picnic.

Give Zeke a call if you can help anywhere or any time at all!

Texas Hold ‘Em

We work Texas Hold ‘Em events usually three times a year. The work involved here is simply selling chips to the players. The chairman of this activity is Jeff Gibbs (517-930-6989). The next event we are schedule to work is Wednesday, August 31st. thru Saturday, September 3rd.

They usually run from Noon until 2 AM. Consequently, Jeff puts together a schedule of 2-person shifts to cover the hours of operation of the event. We usually are required by the operators of the Hold ‘Ems to split an event with another charity. However, for this event, we have been given the opportunity to run the total event, which will double our profits.

Be watching upcoming Newsletters for the shift times we will need to fill.

Wild Game Dinner / Sportsman’s Night

We have put on this extremely popular event for over 25 years. It is usually held the first Saturday in February. The chairman for this event is Pete Weller (517-743-1642). Right now, Pete is just looking for about 5 volunteers to help him with the planning of the event. This year it is going to be held at a new venue and there are some new enhancements to be added to this year’s event. Pete would like some thought and inputs about this year’s event.

If you can lend a hand in this way, please give Pete a call AFTER 5:30 PM.

“Welcome To Sunfield”

Sign Renovation Project Update

All of the new bracing and support for the sign was installed this past Saturday. New individual, customized signs for the ten “ears” on the big sign have been ordered.

We are currently waiting on trying to find an expert to advise us on the best way to prepare the main sign for re-painting.

Interesting Tid-Bit

A number of local residents have reported seeing a Gray Fox that has taken up residence in the village somewhere down by the recycling center.

Next SPY Meeting

The next meeting of the Sunfield Area Sponsors of Programs for Youth (The SPY’s) will take place on Tuesday, August 9th, starting at 6:30 PM. We will be meeting at the Best Tax Service building just West of the blinker light. Guests are always welcome!

Summer Reading Program Update

The first few weeks of the Sunfield Library’s Summer Reading program, are off to a great start. Not only did events have a good turnout, but the weather cooperated, as well. The first week’s focus was the links between ocean and land animals. Turtles, snakes, snails, clams, and even a western lesser siren (which looked like an eel with two front legs) were featured creatures. Habitats, behaviors, and the importance of protecting them, was shared as well.

The second week was all about sharks. The variety of sharks was amazing. Nick VanAcker shared real shark fossils, completed a shark craft, and played a fun game called “Sharks and Minnows”. The kids loved the chance to play a game that got them up and moving. However, it also taught them behaviors of not only sharks, but minnows, as well. It was an awesome program.

The third week was a wiggly, squirmy, wormy experience. Food waste, composting, and how worms help save the planet, was the focus. It was a “hands on” experience. Everyone was allowed to slip on gloves and handle the little superheroes. A wheel of fortune type spinner was used to play a game called “Worm Wheel”. Kids who spun the wheel and answered the question correctly, won gummy worms. It was a great way to learn the importance of such a little critter.

There is still two more weeks of the summer fun. If there are any questions regarding this program, or anything that the library can help you with, please let us know!


· Jim Peabody; Olivia Fisher, and John Fisher made contributions to the SPY’s Dime Pitch Booth activity.

· Joanne Wilson and an Anonymous contributor made donations to the SPY’s through the Frontstream program.

· John & Sandra Fisher made contributions in memory of Carol Barker and Dar Raffler.

Sunfield United Methodist Church

Emergency Food Pantry

Don’t forger that Sunfield now has a fully operational emergency food pantry at the Sunfield United Methodist Church. They will continue to run this food pantry as long as there is a need, and as long as people are willing to donate food. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mary Noeske at 517-597-0058.

Parting Comments

• Deep Thought of the Week: One day you’ll just be a memory for some people. Do your best to be a good one.

• Notable Quote: "You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”-----C.S. Lewis

• That’s Puny Department: Is it ignorance or apathy that's destroying the world today? I don't know and don't really care

• Did You Know Section: The first NASCAR race on the pavement was won by a margin of 9 laps because Johnny Mantz elected to put more durable truck tires on his car instead of racing tires. He won in his third NASCAR race, the first Southern 500 held at Darlington Raceway. This was the first 500-mile race in the history of NASCAR. The newly built Darlington Raceway was also the first "Super Speedway" for NASCAR, even though it was a little under a mile and a half in size. The Southern 500 was also the only paved event for NASCAR in 1950. Mantz and his Plymouth were the race's slowest qualifier, almost 10 MPH slower than the pole winner, Curtis Turner. But because he qualified on the 9th of 15 days of time trials, he started 43rd in the 75 car field. Mantz fitted truck tires that did not wear quickly or blow out, while his competitors had to stop often to pit for new tires. It was his only NASCAR win. He would win by 9 laps over the second-place finisher, Fireball Roberts, with an average speed of 75 MPH. The race took more than 6 hours to run.


1. If there is any organization or business out there that has something they would like to advertise or promote, please feel free to submit it to this Newsletter and we will help publicize it. There is no charge. We are glad to provide this means as a public service to help keep the community informed.

2. If you are looking for further information about the SPY’s events---Corporate or Platinum Sponsorship information---scholarship forms---youth sports reimbursement forms---past SPY newsletters---etc.---just go to the SPY website at

3. NOTE: If you know of anyone who would like to receive these SPY’s Newsletters, just send me an email at with their email address and we will add them to the distribution list.

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