SPY’s Community Newsletter
Precision Grade Excavating Recognized

Pictured (left) is Matt Grosshans representing the Sunfield Area SPY’s presenting the SPY’s “Friend Of Kids Award” to Michael Haskin, representing Precision Grade Excavating. The SPY’s are recognizing Precision Grade Excavating for the work they did correcting a chronic water/flooding/mud condition that has existed for some time at the Main Ball Field in VanBuren Park in Sunfield. Precision Grade completely revamped the area behind home plate and around the backstop, which included some new tiling and got the problem corrected. They did a great job fixing an age-old problem.
The following fine folks made contributions in memory of Michelle Trowbridge Whitman:
Richard & Debbie Pennington
Jim & Karen Usitalo
Janet L. Woolsey
Lynn & Nan Estep
Steve & Theresa Hopkins
Allen & Jane Hedeen & Family
Harry & Elnora Wallin
Leroy & Iris Wion
Mary Jo Brimmer
Merle, Marlene, Marty, Mark Martin & Family
David W. Musser & Family
Dixie Burke
Carolyn Driver
Nancy Ainsworth
Larry Musser
Shirley & Charlie Courtney
Pat & Larry Rathburn
Bob & Barb Culp
Debbie Loveland
Linda & Brian Williams
Denny Moore
Linde Lines
Mary Kay Erdmann
Jan & John Henik
Bob & Trish Perry, Tiffany, Rich & Ramell Schrader and Families
News Briefs
· The Sunfield Area Sponsors of Programs for Youth (the S.P.Y.’s) are pleased to announce that Seth DeMott has stepped up and has volunteered to take on the Chairmanship of the SPY’s Texas Hold ‘Em events. (More of this later). The next Hold ‘Em we are scheduled to work will take place Monday, March 25th thru Thursday, March 28th.
· Also, please be advised that the date for the annual Euchre Tournament has been set for Saturday, March 16th. Keep watching for details.
· ONLINE Sign ups are now open for the 2024 baseball/softball season! Please see the link below to register!
Please note that all 10u, 12u, and 14u teams are going to be hosted by Lakewood Little League. Sunfield ball teams are only T-ball and 8u baseball & softball.
· The Centennial Acres Sunday Brunches are continuing every Sunday through March! Serving starts at 10 AM, with the last seating at 2 PM.
· Saturday, March 2nd., will be the return of the Welch Museum’s “Dar Benjamin Memorial Chili Cook-Off”. Come---Taste---Judge! Free tasting and admission. The hours are from 11 AM until 1 PM. In addition to the chili, there will be kids games and great prizes. For further information contact either Diane Benjamin (517-282-2040), or Pearl Sipperley (517-230-6374). Hope to see you there!
· The next meeting of the Sunfield Area Sponsors of Programs for Youth (SPY’s) will be held on Tuesday, March 12th. starting at 6:30 PM, at the Best Tax Service building on M-43.
· Friday, March 15th. is the deadline for submitting applications for any of the SPY’s Community Foundation’s scholarship opportunities. Questions? Call John Fisher at 517-648-0969.
· On Saturday March 23rd. the SPY's will once again host a 9-pin no tap Bowling Tournament / fund-raiser to benefit the SPY's various youth and community programs. This event is open to everyone! It will be held at the Buddy’s On The Beach Bowling Alley in Lake Odessa. Contact event Chairman Jeff Gibbs for details or to sign-up.
e-mail at MSgtGibbs@Hotmail.com
or via text at (517) 930-6989,
or via voice message at (517) 566-3355.
Parting Comments
· Deep Thought of the Week: Don’t stumble over something behind you.
· Notable Quote: “The older you get the more you appreciate being at home doing absolutely nothing.”
· That’s Puny Department: Did you hear about the Broadway actor who broke through the floorboards? He was just going through a stage.
· Did you Know Section: In 1954, Hugh Beaver, the managing director of the Guinness Brewery, began research on a new book of records meant to help settle pub arguments. The idea stemmed from a bird hunting expedition Beaver took in 1951, during which he and other guests debated about the fastest game bird. Unable to find an answer in any extant reference work, Beaver eventually decided to create his own record book to answer such questions. He hired researchers Norris and Ross McWhirter to work at his new company, Guinness Superlatives, which began operations on November 30, 1954. The McWhirter brothers (the twin sons of a newspaper editor) worked tirelessly to research various facts before finally putting pen to paper, and after more than three months of 90-hour workweeks, the record book was ready for publication.
The first issue of the Guinness Book of Records (now named Guinness World Records) was published on August 27, 1955. Initially, the book was intended as promotional material for the Guinness Brewery, so 1,000 copies — which were laminated to protect against potential beer spillage — were distributed to local British pubs. However, the book proved to be so popular that Beaver changed his tack and began selling it to the public. An additional 50,000 copies were printed, and by Christmas of 1955, the Guinness Book of Records achieved bestseller status in the United Kingdom. The company released the first U.S. edition in September the following year, and by 1964, the book had sold more than a million copies worldwide.
1. If there is any organization or business out there that has something they would like to advertise or promote, please feel free to submit it to this Newsletter and we will help publicize it. There is no charge. We are glad to provide this means as a public service to help keep the community informed.
2. If you are looking for further information about the SPY’s events---Corporate or Platinum Sponsorship information---scholarship forms---youth sports reimbursement forms---past SPY newsletters---etc.---just go to the SPY website at www.sunfieldareaspys.com.
3. NOTE: If you know of anyone who would like to receive these SPY’s Newsletters, just send me an email at john.sandrafisher@gmail.com with their email address and we will add them to the distribution list.