SPY’s Newsletter #127
Farmer’s Picnic News
The 2021 Sunfield Farmers Picnic Committee is gearing up for another fantastic Picnic for you, the third full weekend of August, 20-21, 2021. The first matter of business this year is to seek nominations for the honor of Grand Marshal and then make the tough decision of choosing just one.
We are requesting your assistance by asking you to place your nominations with the Board for anyone you feel should be given the title of Grand Marshal. Grand Marshal nominations must be in writing and clearly identify the nominee and why this individual/couple or group should be considered. Include the following information: What are their ties to the Sunfield Community, their impact on the community, their outstanding qualities? How long have they been in the area? How have they given to the community (volunteerism)? The Board will make this decision on May 5th, so please get your nominations in by Friday, April 30, 2021.
Looking forward to discovering who you would like to honor, so get your nominations mailed to Sunfield Farmers Picnic, P.O. Box 12, Sunfield, Michigan 48890; emailed to sunfieldfarmerspicnic@gmail.com or find us on Facebook at Sunfield Farmers Picnic Inc. Please note that previous year’s nominees will be included in this year’s list of candidates.
First Adopt-A-Highway Trash Pick-up
On The Horzion
Our illustrious “Captain Highway” a.k.a. Derek Desgranges, fearless leader of the SPY’s Adopt-A-Highway project, wants to remind everyone about Saturday April 17th will be the first highway trash pick-up of the season. The SPY's pick-up trash along M-43 from Round Lake Road on the west side of town to Shaytown Road on the east side of town, three times a year in conjunction with the Michigan Department of Transportation program. .
Again, if for any reason you can’t make it for the April 17th pick-up day, but would still like to help out by doing some picking up on a different day of that week, just give Derek a call at 269-838-7686 and get some bags and he will give you a small section to take care of.
What do you say, let’s have a great turnout and spiff up the roadsides leading into our community.
Dime Pitch Donations Sought
Please keep in mind that we are always in need of donations of stuffed animals of any type and size, as well as small to medium sized glassware for our Dime Pitch Booth fundraiser that we hold during the Farmer’s Picnic. Stuffed animals can be new or slightly used but clean.
Any donation can be made by either calling our Booth chairman Wayne Simmons at 616-550-2876, or by dropping off donations at the Best Tax Service building located on M-43 in Sunfield.
The Centennial Acres / SPY’s Shootout
Golf Tournament Is Coming In June
Coming up on Sunday, June 13th, will be the 32nd annual Centennial Acres / SPY Shoot-Out golf tournament. Our event chairmen Derek Desgranges and Steve Grosshans will be in need of some helpers. Give either Derek (269-838-7686) or Steve (269-838-6459) a call for further information, or to volunteer to help out, or to sign-up your team. This is a fun event!---Not to mention a critical fund-raiser!
Parting Comments
• Deep Thought of the Week: One minute you’re 21, staying up all night, drinking beer, eating pizza, and doing all sorts of sketchy stuff just for fun. In a blink of an eye you’re 50, drinking
water, eating kale, and you can’t do any sketchy stuff, because
you pulled a muscle putting on your socks.
• Notable Quote: “I didn’t mean to push all of your buttons. I was just trying to hit mute.”---“Honest Roy” Harris
• That’s Puny Department: I took my new girlfriend out on our first date to the ice rink, and entry was half price. She called me a cheap skate.
• Did You Know Section? Our brain uses the same amount of power as a 10-watt light bulb.