SPY’s Community Newsletter #225
Do You Know A Future Ag Leader?
$1,500 scholarships available now through January 12, 2023.
The Bayer Fund is excited to once again partner with National FFA to offer ag students the opportunity to receive a $1,500 Grow Ag Leaders scholarship. High school seniors through college juniors pursuing any ag-related field of study at a trade school, community college, or four-year college or university can apply now through January 12, 2023.
Here Are The Program Details:
Visit www.fund.bayer.us for more information and official rules
Apply online at FFA.org/scholarships
Applications accepted through January 12, 2023
Receive endorsements from two farmers by January 19, 2023
Students do not need to be FFA members to apply or receive this scholarship.
More than 350 scholarships will be awarded.
Winners announced in May 2023
We encourage anyone who knows a student pursuing a higher education in agriculture to share this scholarship opportunity with them today!
SPY Meeting This Thursday!
Please be advised that the date for the next meeting of the Sunfield Area Sponsors of Programs for Youth (the SPY’s) has been changed. We normally would be meeting on Tuesday, November 8th, but due to that being election day and many having conflicts, the meeting has been moved to Thursday, November 10th. We will be meeting at the Best Tax Service building starting at 6:30 PM.
Nominations Please
At the SPY’s Annual Meeting of the Membership that will be coming up in January, the election of officers for 2023 will be held. Any SPY member that is interested in serving as an officer in the organization, or would like to nominate someone you think might be interested, please contact either Jeff Gibbs at 517-930-6989, or Renee Strimback at 269-967-5787. Thank you.
John & Sandra Fisher made a donation in memory of Dale Foltz.
Parting Comments
• Deep Thought of the Week: If you get lost in the woods, start talking about politics and someone will show up to argue with you.
• Notable Quote: "The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common."---RALPH WALDO EMERSON
• That’s Puny Department: 100 years ago everyone owned a horse and only the rich had cars. Today, everyone has a car and only the rich have horses. Oh, how the stables have turned.
• Did You Know Section: Colonel Harland Sanders got fired from dozens of jobs, including being a lawyer; a steam engine stoker; insurance salesman, filling stations operator, and others. He found himself broke at the age of 65, and decided to start KFC. The rest is, as they say, history.
1. If there is any organization or business out there that has something they would like to advertise or promote, please feel free to submit it to this Newsletter and we will help publicize it. There is no charge. We are glad to provide this means as a public service to help keep the community informed.
2. If you are looking for further information about the SPY’s events---Corporate or Platinum Sponsorship information--- scholarship forms---youth sports reimbursement forms---past
SPY newsletters---etc.---just go to the SPY website at www.sunfieldareaspys.com.
3. NOTE: If you know of anyone who would like to receive these SPY’s Newsletters, just send me an email at john.sandrafisher@gmail.com with their email address and we will add them to the distribution list.